What is your shipping policy?


shipping is calculated due to the weight of each package and may range from order to order. shipping is always shipped priority unless customer chooses to purchase expedited shipping.

due to all sales being pre-sale please allow 2-3 days for orders to be processed and 2-3(or 3-4 depending on garment details) for the order to be shipped.


at this time we do not ship internationally but are working to have a more inclusive system.


We do not offer returns or refunds unless there is an imperfection due to manufacturing. Due to our garments being pre-sale, we ask that you thoroughly read the size chart and view the images provided to best match your color and size preferences.

What are you fundraising for?

You can find information on our mission, purpose and our Next Year Plan(2022) on our about us page

are your garments eco friendly/sustainable?

at +Better we commit to always doing our best to source optimal quality for our community & planet. We ensure you that all of our cotton garments are made with 100% GOTS cotton produced in a wind mill powered Fair Trade Certified™ facility. This means that our products were grown, harvested, crafted and traded in ways that improve lives and protect the environment.

when are restocks?

depending on the collection, there may or may not be a restock. we try to be sustainable with slow and low stock production. however, we highly recommend subscribing to our email list, we always update our subscribers first on possible restocks, sales and upcoming events

Any other questions?

for any questions or concerns please email our team at betterdaysrvo@gmail.com.